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2001-12-15 - 4:37 a.m.

in the car when sara and julie were kind enough to invite me to go with them to see the places where the film rushmore took place they were discussing where they will be in the future.

i am far to pessimistic/cynical to come up with the nice places they did.

so lets do me.

after having to drop out of college due to lack of funds i will work a long series of mcjobs(low-pay, low prestige, no future) to survive. i will have been through a series of crappy relationships. in my late twenties i will get fed up with it all and quit everything thinking that i might learn something about myself if i were to go pennyless. after being a drifter for awhile and probally learning nothing other than how shitty humanity is i will be dead by the age of thirtythree.

sounds like fun i cant wait.

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