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2001-10-09 - 12:26 p.m.

i'm sorry.

apparently what i said last night wasnt very nice. well actually niceness = 0

i'm not a complete idiot i know why it wasnt nice. now that i think about i cant remember what in particular made me say it. i dont really mean it, i jump to those kind of conclusions too fast i think. i really shoudnt of said it,, i need to take more risks. well anyway bigmouth strikes again if i cant fix it then i'm screwed.

ugh why did i even say that it was something i completely started and i was up all night feeling like crap about it. because i actually believed it. anyway hopefully things are too messed up i asked her roomate on a scale of one to ten how angry she was and got an eight so...

i'll see her tonight hopefully and try and fix it maybe explain what made me say it

i'll let you know

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