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2002-05-17 - 6:07 p.m.

god i hate people sometimes.

actually replace sometimes with all the time.

yes, its a 24-7 hate-fest in my head.

not really though, just certain types of people.

so i have to put up the these neo-bohemian "artsy fartsy" people all the time at work and otherwise.

they are elitist snobs who scoff at everything. its really annoying because you know in high school they got picked on by the hierarchy made of the "popular" class so they spent most of their time mocking and hating the popular, cheerleaders football guys etc...

so they graduate high school and form their own hierarchy equal in eletist principal and snobbery only this time based on music and artistic expression.

everyone has a position, friends are made based on strategy not merit. being friends with blah blah will get me into blah.

it's just a game, kind of like chess or kerplunk.

not so much like kerplunk though.

its really pathetic and it's one of the top five things i absolutely can not stand.

thats it and sorry.

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