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2002-05-11 - 5:59 p.m.

so i found a place and everything.

our "landlord" is this really old asian guy i can barely understand.

the best part about getting it is that he tried to convice me and ted that it was a nice neighborhood when we both know that it really really isnt.

"you be very happy in dat neighborhood. some neighborhoods, you leave for few day, you come back, they steal your air conditioning! this neighborhood, they no steal your air conditioning."

after i talked to him he started a conversation about the way i speak.

"how long you live in houston"
"all my life"
"oh, cause you speak very clearly, most people round here, they speak all southern. i can't understand them! i come from up north they there speak clearly like you."

if you cant do the asian accent thing in your head let me know, i'll come over and read it to you.

hey the great thing is i may be dead, and all my stuff will be gone, but atleast i'll have air conditioning.

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