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2002-04-22 - 10:51 p.m.

what's new with you?

as for me nothing really important. well since nothing i do should ever be considered important to you anyhow.

all my katy friends have become massive potheads. it happened very suddenly too which kind of shocked me. i think it's funny how they feel that they have to make excuses when they are around me. like i'm some sort of buzz kill who actually cares. my favorite is the "yeah, i should probably stop" mainly because i didn't even ask them about it in the first place.

my friend tyler is dating a denny's-rat. by dating i mean fucking of course. she talks way too much and is stereo-typically shocking. she likes to bring of the fact that she is bi-sexual as much as possible.

and as greg put it, "yeah, and if you tell them you have sucked a cock they're running down the street screaming"

when did bisexuality in women become so fashionable?

i actually know less strictly heterosexual women than i do bisexual.

not really, but if i did that would totally prove my point.

another totally unrelated topic, why do girls get so offended when i say they would be more attractive if they dressed better? it's not like attract ability matters anyway.

seriously, it�s pretty bad when i dress better than you guys though.

wow, i just remembered why i stopped writing in this thing in the first place.

that�s it then, this is officially the sixth most boring entry i have written.

it�s actually not hard to write a boring entry. all you have to do is mention what you did all day to people who don't care, and mention a lot of people that no one knows. that only counts if you have this for any other reason besides personal diary usage. several people keep them as a cheaper way to have an e/n site.

this will more than likely be deleted within the hour.

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