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2002-01-13 - 3:53 a.m.

despite what act i put on in this diary i am actually i nice guy.

by being a nice guy i get all the perks included in the package;

i get walked on, taken advantage of, people take me for granted.

i hate the fact that i cant just go up to someone and just tell them how shitty they are.

i hate the fact that no matter how much i want to hate them, and how much i know i have the right to hate them i just cant.

i dont understand how people can be so self-centered, how they can just totally be oblivous to the other person.

maybe they know they just dont care.

i hate how i still allow myself to get angry about the shitty things i found out they did and didnt tell me.

i wish that i could be completely apathetic about all things. maybe even forget about them entirely.

too bad i cant bring myself to throw them away.

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