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2001-11-24 - 3:16 a.m.

god day after thanksgiving sucks.

i work retail not only that but i am salaried management.

so needless to say i am required to work fifty hour weeks and still be paid for forty.

here is a tip: dont work a twelve hours shift wearing a pair of shoes you just bought three hours before.

well not unless you want blisters the size of kentucky. well i didnt actually get any blisters but my feet hurt about six times worse than they would of if i had worn broken in shoes.

being management sucks especially when you have five no older than seventeen year old kids working for you. every five seconds i hear one of them screaming my name asking me some incredibly stupid question. or they cant do something "its impossible" i go over there three seconds... done.


other than that i went shopping today figured i might as well. i noticed there is something that me and lindsay both do. before exiting our store we fasten our bags down, crouch down as if we are trying to become aerodynamic, and speed walk our way though the packs of baby stollers and families who think they have to walk as slow as possible.

god forbid we get any longer than thirty minutes break time for about twelve hours of work.

never work at a mall not only that but i saw the mall santa and was dissapointed to find it was not the same guy as last year. he was really nice and he waved at me whenever i saw him, the new guy is not.

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